Fresh Flowers, Farm Direct

Mother's Day
Mother's Day weekend, we deliver each year over a hundred hand-tied bouquets in the Victoria area. Each bouquet is at least twenty stems, a seasonal mix that might include hellebores, calla lilies, irises, tulips, columbine, and Solomon's Seal, all beautifully wrapped, with a handwritten card, if you wish, with your message.
Cost: $35 from our farm stand for pick up; $45 delivered (Victoria, Oak Bay, Saanich, Central Saanich, North Saanich, or Sidney).
Email: milesfamily@protonmail.com
Pick up: 1189 Mount Newton Cross Road,​​​​
Weddings - Bulk
Looking for a beautiful but cost-effective wedding flower solution? We specialize in April-June weddings, with by-the-bucket sales of species flowers or mixed flowers on a color theme, perfect for making your own table decorations, bouquets, archways, or floral crowns. We also have amazing gardens and a romantic vineyard; order $350+ of flowers, and we'll offer you a complimentary 2-hour photoshoot on location with your photographer.
Flowers range from $35 to $375 a bucket (75 stems) depending on the species, so we recommend contacting us early with your wedding plans and budget so we can find you the perfect solution.
Peonies, exquisite peonies! Each year we sell out, and we've planted again this fall hundreds more. That means we are able to offer peonies in a broad palette of colours from mid-May until late August, and we able to ship peonies across Canada, subject to some provincial restrictions.
Our peonies are $5 a stem, and the minimum order for shipping is one dozen. No minimum order for farm-stand pick up. We do sell out each season but are happy to take advance orders.
Email: milesfamily@protonmail.com​
For all orders, we accept cash, PayPal, or e-transfer.​